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More like the woes and goes of the Priest class from the experiences gathered by myself and my trusty Priest, StHeals. |
For a little background, I have always liked playing the support classes in games but that does not mean that I build my characters to only support others, ie. only work in parties or groups. I also build them to make sure that they can handle content on their own and progress through the game without leaning on others as much. I firmly believe that as support classes, we should be able to support ourselves first before we can support others.
With that in mind, I will solely focus on a build that can handle both solo play and support roles easily. People more interested in playing melee-attack Priests might not find what they are looking for in this guide since support skills rely heavily on INT and physical attack Priests rely heavily on STR, or basically, two stats that are on the opposite ends of the spectrum.
Not to say that melee Priests cannot support parties but they aren't as effective at healing as those who based their build on INT (Heal relies on this stat). Still, an upside to melee Priests is that they unlock Kyrie Eleison pretty early while INT Priests need to manage their skill points well and end with no Kyrie. Equipment-wise, STR Priests will be spending zenies on gears that have no relation with those made for support. INT-based Priests, on the other hand, will have an easier time switching between the two roles of solo-ing and supporting.
Not to say that melee Priests cannot support parties but they aren't as effective at healing as those who based their build on INT (Heal relies on this stat). Still, an upside to melee Priests is that they unlock Kyrie Eleison pretty early while INT Priests need to manage their skill points well and end with no Kyrie. Equipment-wise, STR Priests will be spending zenies on gears that have no relation with those made for support. INT-based Priests, on the other hand, will have an easier time switching between the two roles of solo-ing and supporting.
The guide is written in sections and will be updated as future content is unlocked in Ragnarok Mobile. Each section will be based on all the knowledge that I have accumulated over the past few months, supported by and tested through my own personal experiences in solo content, party content and guild content.
As always, this guide will be littered with comments from myself here and there (like I always do because thank god for blog format) if you haven't read previous guides posted on the blog site and find this guide's format... too loose. xD
As always, this guide will be littered with comments from myself here and there (like I always do because thank god for blog format) if you haven't read previous guides posted on the blog site and find this guide's format... too loose. xD
Let's begin.
- Disclaimer
- Definitions
- What makes a Priest?
- Priest Types
- Skill Overview
- Leveling Guide Matk Style
- Leveling Path
- Farming Path
- Priest Builds
- Pre-Ymir Build
- Farming Build
- Party Build
- Equipment
- Aesir Monument or Runes
- Party Gameplay
- Endless Tower
- Boss Hunt
- Valhalla Ruins
- Bonus Stuff
- Conclusion
March 4, 2019
- Matched section list with actual content for easier searches.
- Equipment updates.
- Added and removed Orlean's Necklace due to mistranslation.
February 9, 2019
- Added Aesir Monument Rune List
- Fixed dates, it's 2019 guys. =))
January 31, 2019
- Angelus info added.
4PM, January 29, 2019
- Additional info for ET.
- Typos.
- Bonus stuff added.
- More memes. lulz.
"StHeal's Guide to Playing a Priest in Ragnarok M: Eternal Love" aims to help other fellow Priests and interested parties bring out the maximum potential of their support class. It does not, in any way, assume that these are the only ways to play a Priest and moreover, isn't a standardized set of rules and playstyle that everyone should adhere to.
Most of the information and ideas provided are based on StHeal's own personal experience in main-ing a Priest since day 1, alongside various guides, tips, and suggestions provided by other Priests throughout his own ROM gameplay.
To reiterate, parties interested in melee Priests might find this guide unsatisfactory as this guide is specifically written for people who want to easily switch between solo and group content.
Any feedback is highly appreciated and can be posted in the comment's section or sent via PM through our Contact Us page. All questions, clarifications and violent reactions will be entertained. :)
AOE - Area of Effect.
BH - Boss Hunt.
CD/GCD - Cooldown/Global Cooldown. CD or Skill delay (SD) is the amount of time needed before you can use the same skill again. GCD, on the other hand, is the amount of time needed before you can cast other skills.
CT - Cast Time. The amount of time needed before a skill hits. Can be canceled if you take a certain amount of damage. (I think around ~10% of health points, please correct me if I am wrong)
Archbishop - Third job class. Not yet implemented. In the original Ragnarok game, Archbishop (or AB) unlocked a completely new set of skills and was only achievable after High Priest.
ET - Endless Tower.
FS - Full Support or a Priest built to fully support all sides of a party.
GH - Glast Heim.
High Priest - Transcendent class. In the original Ragnarok desktop game, it was the stage of your support career that unlocked new skills for your Priest tab, ie. there were only 3 tabs for Priests, Acolyte, Priest, and Archbishop. High Priest skills were under the Priest tab. You also had to be reborn and start out as a High Novice and level up again before becoming a High Priest after your Acolyte stage.
HLS - Holy Light Strike.
Job Breakthrough - Unlocked when you reach level 40 of your trans job or High Priest career (or fine, third job). After completing a short quest, you can now reach Job Level 70 on your High Priest with 30 new shiny skill points to invest in skills. Not all skills can be improved beyond their max though. Also, you'll need nine Peak Shards to unlock the next set of three job levels after job level 43 (81 Peak Shards all in all). This is done within a guild so you
Jud - Judex, Judgment Strike.
KE - Kyrie Eleison.
Matk - Magic Attack.
Normal Attack - or Auto attack. Attacks not from skills but just your regular attacks when you click on an enemy.
Priest - Second job class. The term will also be used to refer to the whole support class in this guide.
PUG - Public groups
Ragnarok - Ragnarok Mobile, Ragnarok M, Ragnarok Mobile Eternal Love, ROM: EL, or basically any variation of what people call the game we're playing on mobile based on the original desktop MMORPG (massively multiplayer online role-playing game), Ragnarok Online, and not the end of days... though, if you've been paying attention to the game's storyline, it alludes to the end of days and we're the adventurers tasked to prevent it. It's a pretty dark storyline actually, despite the cutesy appearance of the game's graphics.
TF - Toy Factory.
TU - Turn Undead.
VR - Valhalla Ruins or Guild Dungeons.
Ymir's Notebook - Unlocked when you reach Adventurer Rank C. Let's you save stats, skills, equipment, runes, and skill slots so you can easily load and transfer in-between builds depending on what you need with just one click.
So, you've finally decided on the role you're taking in the game and it has to do with supporting parties and your guild. Or perhaps, people have pushed you to take on the support role because everyone seems to be lacking a Priest in their party setup and you thought you got the short end of the stick.
Well, think again.
Well, think again.
Sure, we won't be able to one hit every single race and element in the game and our mob farms will be fairly limited to certain types, ie, demons, shadows, and undead, but that does not mean that we will fall behind. Think of it in this way, the game has mobs built specifically for us to unleash heaven (and hell) upon.
A Priest, if built and geared efficiently, can very well keep up with other classes in terms of getting XP and farming materials. It also helps that despite the limited amount of mobs that we can kill, they usually have decent and the most number of loots in the game, case in point, Dokebi, Baphomet Jr., and Deviruchi. Throughout the game, you'll be encountering mobs that are weak against holy element attacks which other classes don't have access to (unless we use our Aspersio (holy damage) skill on them).
Getting requested in parties all the time does not hurt too.
Getting requested in parties all the time does not hurt too.
Now, what does make a Priest?
- A Priest makes sure that a party can clear its objective and be happy knowing that s/he did everything s/he can to support and finish the party's goal.
- A Priest must also know his/her limitations and call it a day when they feel the burn rushing in.
- A Priest must take note of Cast Times and Cooldowns.
- A Priest must always have a full SP/mana bar.
- A Priest must always have Blue Gemstones.
- A Priest does not auto in group content.
- Above all else, a Priest must be able to support his/herself before s/he supports others.
These are the guidelines that I live by as I play my own Priest and as I write this guide. Hopefully, this helps you appreciate and enjoy playing a Priest while at the same time, improve upon your support playstyle.
Also, know that I get you if you ever feel the need to rant about your role in a party. Of course, other class players will not fully understand what you're going on about and that's okay. You've released the tension, voiced your concerns, learned from your mistakes and can now move on and play another day.
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Source: itsjustliah |
But before you go and rant though, here are a few solutions you can do before hitting that "Submit" button on your next viral outrage:
Keeping up with Blue Gemstones - The only way we can make sure that our effort is not wasted is to keep an eye on our party members and make sure that they're fulfilling their roles as seriously as we're doing so. I don't mind spending zeny on Gemstones as long as I know that my party mates aren't being all lazy and just auto-ing everything. Keep an eye out for people who ignore strategies, just auto everything, end up dying, and then call for Resus. For your state of mind, please kick that member out and look for a better replacement. Better yet, join a guild with members that appreciate your efforts and keep up with your own as you do for them.
Burnout - After four runs of ET floors 1-90, you will feel the burn. I highly advise not to do that. Take a timeout, breathe, and tell people that you're done for the day. It's not a sin to want to take a step back and not help each and every member of your guild. Find a middle ground, hire new Priest members, or make them understand that you're tired af and aren't the only Priest in the game. If that does not work, just leave (Bye, Felicia). You have better things to do than deal with all the drama of falling out.
Limited Farming Spots - Yes, we've all been there. A good way around this is to make sure that despite our limited hunting grounds, we should maximize on our farming style and one-hit everything. Invest in equipment and pump up your damage. Progress might be slow during the early levels of your Acolyte life but once we get our TU, we can one-hit undead mobs and slowly make our way to High Priest stage and unlock our Judex. Of course, you can always go the way of the melee Priest if you ever feel that progress is slow but as a reminder, STR and INT are on opposite ends.
Ranting - If you ever feel the urge to rant about stuff, do it in an environment where people will understand what you're going through. Post in a Priest group or find other people who main Priests and ask them for their opinions. Do not post in general boards or else you might end up just getting infuriated because people will shoot you down. Better yet, take a breath, count to ten, distance yourself from the game and once you've found inner peace, (re)try again (for the umpth time). You can also send me a PM in case that does not work or join groups for Priests Anonymous (No one talks about Support club). There's also a subreddit thread for Priests that you can rant post in. It's pretty normal to get overwhelmed but let's not leave a giant red circle on our backs.
Camaraderie - Lastly, let's keep the game environment healthy and devoid of hate. Getting fed up and wanting to flip a table is normal, sure, but that doesn't excuse bad behavior and name-calling everyone else. Again, breathe. It's a game. Discuss and converse with others and maintain a neutral, if not positive, atmosphere when doing so. Why even play when all you're ever going to do is nothing but sow dissent, tension, and unrest among other players? Breathe.
One would argue, though, that Priests can be further classified into groups such as Melee Battle Priests, Judex Battle Priests, ME Priests, Full Support, Turn Undead Priests, and any other variation one can think of. This was the case in the past when we were fairly limited to the number of skills we could get but not anymore, thanks to Ymir's Notebook.
Additionally, it all boils down to how one survives in solo play and from what I can see, its either you're ranged or you're in melee. Lines quickly blur out between ranged-type Priests as skills can be unlocked on any type. So for the sake of oversimplifying, we'll just use two types:
Additionally, it all boils down to how one survives in solo play and from what I can see, its either you're ranged or you're in melee. Lines quickly blur out between ranged-type Priests as skills can be unlocked on any type. So for the sake of oversimplifying, we'll just use two types:
- A Melee Priest relies heavily on their STR and AGI stats with some LUK points and unlocks skills that improve their damage in melee range while making sure that they can withstand the attacks from mobs.
- Ranged Priests, on the other hand, rely on INT and DEX, for higher Matk and faster cast times. They stay as far away from mobs as possible and make sure that mobs go down before reaching melee range.
Some Priest mains tend to focus mostly on melee during the early levels and then shift to Ranged attacks once they unlock Judex from the High Priest tree (there are those who don't shift ever but mostly because they prefer solo play or have no need to shift to support roles). But from what I can assume, they end up having to spend more zeny to change their gears completely than a Priest who has been using Magic/INT-based equipment from the start.
As one who takes on the Priest class, you are free to do whatever you want to fit your preferred game style but choosing to stay away from the support side of Priests may cause you to miss group content until later. It's either you have to inform them that you're an STR priest beforehand or enter the game as a melee Priests with friends. It really depends on how and who you play with or personal preference for self-enjoyment at the end of the day.
Of course, once you unlock your Ymir's Notebook (Dimensional Fracture Skill from Adventurer Skills), you are most definitely free to build however you want. You'll still be stuck with juggling two (or even three) sets of equipment though, which is expensive. Furthermore, one of the reasons why I was putting off writing a Priest Guide is because of this game mechanic. Why even bother with builds when people can just build however and whenever they want and easily switch or reset stats at the click of a button?
While Ymir does let us easily switch in between builds, the many (but finite) amount of possible builds that Ragnarok Eternal Love allows us players to make can get a bit overwhelming. There's also the repetitive questions of what equipment, runes, and etc. you should get that works well with the build you have in mind. If you like the freedom to build, go ahead and be crazy but if you do need a little guidance, must be your luck 'cause here's this guide.
Hopefully, the builds, suggestions, and tips provided below provide a clear and basic overview of the foundation you can build your Priest upon to later evolve into variations that fit your own playstyle.
Hopefully, the builds, suggestions, and tips provided below provide a clear and basic overview of the foundation you can build your Priest upon to later evolve into variations that fit your own playstyle.
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If only. |
Holy Light Strike
Attacks an enemy with Holy damage, dealing Holy Magic Damage. It also expels Kyrie Eleison.
Attacks an enemy with Holy damage, dealing Holy Magic Damage. It also expels Kyrie Eleison.
Restore HP to self and one ally. Can be used to damage Undead mobs.
Kyrie Eleison
Gives a shield that blocks Physical melee damage to an ally.
Provides party with increased STR, DEX, and INT. It also removes Curse and Petrify debuffs.
Restore HP to self and one ally. Can be used to damage Undead mobs.
Kyrie Eleison
Gives a shield that blocks Physical melee damage to an ally.
Provides party with increased STR, DEX, and INT. It also removes Curse and Petrify debuffs.
Increase AGI - Passive
Blessing now boosts Agi as well.
Blessing now boosts Agi as well.
Reveals hidden enemies and damages them. Does not work on Ghost mobs. You'll need a Ghost Camera upgrade for that from Adventurer Skills.
Reveals hidden enemies and damages them. Does not work on Ghost mobs. You'll need a Ghost Camera upgrade for that from Adventurer Skills.
Light Shield
Immunity to Ranged Physical Attacks.
Immunity to Ranged Physical Attacks.
Maces Mastery - Passive
Increase melee attack when using maces or knuckles.
Increase melee attack when using maces or knuckles.
Holy Booster - Passive
Increases damage dealt by Holy Light Strike and has a chance to stun enemies.
Increases damage dealt by Holy Light Strike and has a chance to stun enemies.
Revives a fallen ally and cancels the XP loss from normal revive. Requires a Blue Gemstone.
Revives a fallen ally and cancels the XP loss from normal revive. Requires a Blue Gemstone.
Grants a targetted ally with Holy Property physical attacks.
Increase Spiritual Recovery - Passive
Recover SP every 10 seconds.
Recover SP every 10 seconds.
Creates an AOE which can damage Undead and Devil mobs while healing self and allies.
Removes random debuffs from a list. Common confusion: at max level 5, Clearance will always hit but it will pick a random debuff from nine debuffs to clear. Not a 100% chance that it will remove the debuff you're aiming for, ie. target is Stunned but Clearance picks Frozen debuff from its list so the target is still Stunned.
Creates an AOE which can damage Undead and Devil mobs while healing self and allies.
Removes random debuffs from a list. Common confusion: at max level 5, Clearance will always hit but it will pick a random debuff from nine debuffs to clear. Not a 100% chance that it will remove the debuff you're aiming for, ie. target is Stunned but Clearance picks Frozen debuff from its list so the target is still Stunned.
Increases SP recovery for the party.
Increase LUK stat of the party.
Turn Undead
Damages mobs and has a percent chance to instant kill Undead mobs. Chance is affected by INT, LUK, Skill level, and target's current HP.
Magnus Exorcimus
Forms a cross-shaped AOE that damages Undead and Devil mobs with Holy Magic Damage. Requires a Blue Gemstone to cast.
Increase LUK stat of the party.
Turn Undead
Damages mobs and has a percent chance to instant kill Undead mobs. Chance is affected by INT, LUK, Skill level, and target's current HP.
Magnus Exorcimus
Forms a cross-shaped AOE that damages Undead and Devil mobs with Holy Magic Damage. Requires a Blue Gemstone to cast.
Imposito Manus
Increases normal attack damage of party allies. For the Priest, adds correction damage that ignores Def based on size.
*on Impo + Runes being unsatisfactory during later stages, think of it this way, while we're slowly working to unlock bonus Matk stats from crafting, unlocking and depositing various gears, here we have Impo which instantly adds 80 base Atk (~100 with runes) to Atk-based characters.
*on Impo + Runes being unsatisfactory during later stages, think of it this way, while we're slowly working to unlock bonus Matk stats from crafting, unlocking and depositing various gears, here we have Impo which instantly adds 80 base Atk (~100 with runes) to Atk-based characters.
Meditatio - Passive
Increases max SP and SP recovery while boosting Heal amount.
Increases max SP and SP recovery while boosting Heal amount.
Lex Divina
Silences an enemy. Does not work on minis and MVPs.
Silences an enemy. Does not work on minis and MVPs.
Lex Aeterna
Doubles the next damage an enemy gets.
Doubles the next damage an enemy gets.
Decrease Agility
Reduces target's agility and removes the effects of Increase Agility, One-Hand Quicken, and Wind Walk. Useful in PVP.
Provides quality Def for the whole party. Depending on the VIT stat, Angelus will provide a bonus defense against final damage hence why it wasn't showing up in stats. (Thanks to Marlan Zyrwolf for this!)
Provides a percent Def and Mdef boost for the whole party.
Provides a percent Def and Mdef boost for the whole party.
Reduces casting time by a percent.
Reduces casting time by a percent.
Deals Holy Magic Damage to an enemy.
Deals Holy Magic Damage to an enemy.
Magic Prayer - Passive
Reduces the amount of SP consumed when casting skills by a percent amount.
Demon Bane - Passive
Increases Physical damage done to Devil and Undead mobs as well as boosting Quality Attack by a percent amount. (I have reason to believe that "Quality" refers to refine though I am not so sure.)
Reduces the amount of SP consumed when casting skills by a percent amount.
Demon Bane - Passive
Increases Physical damage done to Devil and Undead mobs as well as boosting Quality Attack by a percent amount. (I have reason to believe that "Quality" refers to refine though I am not so sure.)
Safety Wall
Creates a one-cell AOE on a target area that protects characters within from Melee Damage for a set amount of times. Requires a Blue Gemstone. (Since the skill specifically uses the word "Damage," we may assume that it works against melee physical skills as well but not debuffs.)
Creates a one-cell AOE on a target area that protects characters within from Melee Damage for a set amount of times. Requires a Blue Gemstone. (Since the skill specifically uses the word "Damage," we may assume that it works against melee physical skills as well but not debuffs.)
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Source: Chibiki |
In this section, I'll provide an outline of what to do during the early levels and how you can unlock High Priest status as soon as possible. However, based on experience, it is also not a bad idea to stay within the level range (+/-10) of the mobs that you're targetting just so you can farm materials with no loot penalties. In addition, it is seemingly okay to still grind in spots that are way over the level range (+/-20).
(I can still farm Dokebis efficiently because of the one-hit kills per cast of my Judex despite being Level 90+. When I was within level range, one-hitting Dokebis was not yet attainable until I was around ~15 levels higher.)
It is not really a matter of who gets to max level first (unless competitive) but more of how you can efficiently farm materials and gain more zeny to prepare for the eventual equipment building at later levels. Take it from me, if I had only known, I would've cherished the times I spent in Ghost Ship farming Skeletons. Zeny is the actual end-game and not max base level. Furthermore, what's a max level character with no equipment got over one who has started building their equipment since level one?
I say it's a matter of leveling up at a slow and steady pace while you earn the most zeny from your farming experience.
I say it's a matter of leveling up at a slow and steady pace while you earn the most zeny from your farming experience.
Levels 1 - 17
Complete all quests through Prontera South Gate, Prontera and Prontera West Gate. These quests help you understand a few of the game's mechanics and acts as a mini-tutorial to kick start your journey through the world of Ragnarok. Track your job XP and as soon as you reach job level 10, pause your questing and change to Acolyte first. This should at least get you a few job levels to unlock and level up Holy Light Strike when you resume (all) quests in Prontera.Leveling Path
Do all quests and dailies but save Monster Resistance (MR) for last. You'll want to consume every quest XP that you can accomplish within your play time before getting MR as the XP threshold for MR depends on your base level. You can even start using up your Combat Time or Stamina until yellow before taking MR. (Or if you're hardcore, during red, but this will take ages) The goal here is to increase the XP bonus MR gives. Pop XP pots when you unlock Pet Labor and only consume Combat Time for leveling purposes.Grind on mobs that are within +/- 10 of your base level and unlock TU as soon as you can. We'll be using TU's % chance to one-hit undead mobs and thus allow us to grind undead mobs easily. Pop some CD redux food as TU has a long cooldown and maybe meals that increase specific stats you need at the moment to either max survivability or hit harder.
Level 17 - 20
Sunken Ship - Pirate Skeletons (level 27); Head to Izlude via Prontera South and then right portal. Talk to the Ship Captain (middle-east of Izlude map) and warp to Sunken Ship.Level 20 - 42
Ghost Ship - Skeletons (level 30); Head to the rightmost portion of the map and enter warp portal to Ghost Ship. Sanctuary is a fun skill here but not necessarily required as it eats a lot of SP.Level 42 - 53
Pyramid 1F - Soldier Skeleton (level 52) and Mummy (level 55); Kafra warp to Morroc or through Prontera South Gate, enter the south portal to Sograt Desert, the south-west portal to Morroc and then north-west portal to Pyramid 1F. You should also have TU unlocked by around these levels. You may want to reset too if you only plan on using TU all the time and remove HLS to replace it with Kyrie. Be warned that if you do decide to just use TU, you'll be stuck with Undead mobs until you reach High Priest job for Judex.Level 53 - 65
Payon Cave 1F - Munak (level 63) and Payon Cave 2F - Bongun (level 65); Kafra warp to Payon or east portal of Sograt Desert to Poring Island, the north portal to Payon South and then north portal to Payon. Payon Cave entrance is around the north-east of the map, topmost portal.Level 65 - 73
Orc Dungeon 1F - Orc Zombie (level 75) and Orc Skeleton (level 78); From Geffen, head to the left portal to Goblin Forest, the south portal to Orc Village and then north portal to Orc Dungeon.Level 73 - 90
Glast Heim Churchyard - Wraith (level 83), Evil Druid (level 88) and Dark Priest (level 90); From Goblin Forest, enter all left portals: first to Glast Heim Outskirt and then Glast Heim map. GH Churchyard is around mid-south of this map.Level 90+
Clocktower 1F - Black Witch (level 100); From Prontera, enter all north portals: first to Prontera Castle, Prontera North and then Al De Baran. Clocktower entrance is in the middle. You'll want to head to the middle portion of the Clocktower map and then top-right of this square area for safety purposes. All mobs here are agro and hit hard.Note: As the steps outlined above focus heavily on leveling, TU is preferred over Jud since the latter skill requires a decent setup (zeny for Matk) to become effective against mobs that are 10 levels higher, unlike TU which unlocks one-hit kills from the get-go.
Tip: For agro maps like Orc Dungeon, Payon Cave and Clocktower, don't forget to create a party whenever you're AFKing and tick Protect Party just in case other mobs try to attack you. This allows your toon to grind on mobs that you picked while at the same time, attack any mob that gets aggro'd. However, TU might not be the best option for other mobs so it's up to you to decide on how you'll be auto-ing. Probably carry a pet and at least one attack cat with you (Maysa over Po or both) to help with the damage.
Farming Path
Skip all story quests and just complete your dailies. You could, however, wait until you get to job level 10 for 10 skill points you can invest in Holy Light Strike before starting on farming. Take a few Fred/Minstrel quests to unlock recipes for items/gears you need alongside quests that unlock specific game mechanics like the pet system, cooking, and adventure book tabs. (Side note, Fred quests reward a lot of XP.) Basically, unless a quest unlocks something important in the game, skip it. We want to lessen the amount of XP we are getting to stay within level range.
You'll be safe staying within +/- 20 levels of our target mobs and even then, if you can one hit mobs all the time using Jud, you can go over the 20-level limit. Unlike the guide written above, listed below will be the mobs beside their base levels and not your base level range. Key loots will have their prices on the Exchange listed as well. It's up to you when to deem it okay (track loot and pure zeny output from one day of farming) to shift to the next mob as farming tends to get easier when you're a few levels higher than your target mob.
Note: Once you reach HP status, you'll want to shift to Jud (level 1) and pump its damage via Matk stat increase. Your first step will be one-hitting Dokebis and grinding them until you can one-hit Baphomet Jr and then Zipper Bears. Others suggest Injustices over Baphomet Jr. due to the former's lack of Mdef but I find that Injustices have unsatisfactory loot but the spawn points are mostly concentrated to one spot.
Level 30 - Skeleton
Awakening Potion (~2.5k z)
Level 52 - Soldier Skeleton
Rough Oridecon (~5k z)
Immortal Heart
Level 65 - Bongun
Mercury (~2.5k z)
*Bongun is a temp mob while we build our Judex damage so use TU for now
*Mercury will be our saving grace as it rarely drops below 2.5kz on the exchange (only saw it drop once) and Dokebis are far more superior than Bongun. We need to start pumping our Judex though.
Level 69 - Dokebi (aka our forever mob)
Rough Elu
*The mob we'll be building our Judex for. Start farming Dokebis when you can 2-3 hit them with max buffs and slowly work your way to one-hitting them with only Blessing.
*Dokebis will greatly improve our farming output and I highly suggest to farm them for as long as you can
*At 95, I still farm them from time to time for the Mercury and while I build my Matk for my next target mob, Zipper Bears.
Level 85 - Injustice
*Pure zeny farm only.
*Liked for its one-spot spawn.
Level 86 - Raydric Archer
Awakening Potion
Hand of God
*Some Priests like this mob but I don't see nor have discovered any good farming spots for Raydric Archers as they are scattered all over the map and have low-density spawn rates. (Will appreciate any input for Raydric Archers)
Level 90 - Dark Priest
Blue Gemstone
*In case you prefer TU or need easy Gemstones.
Level 93 - Baphomet Jr.
Rough Oridecon
Necklace of Oblivion
*What I prefer farming due to the Rough Oris (instead of Injustices)
*Its a matter of personal preference and how effective your damage is.
*Differences are: Injustices tend to spawn in one spot and have low M.def so no need to walk around or worry about lowering its Mdef for greater Judex damage output.
Level 113 - Zipper Bear
Christmas Garland
*While not undead nor demon, its low Mdef is what makes veteran Priests suggest this mob.
*Be wary of its stun and Toy Factory's agro mobs. A good farming spot is around the center though Cruiser* tends to spawn around here.
*You'll need a Brute Race card (Goblin Card) to increase your damage against this mob. Also, size correction and elemental cards do not work with Judex (its already a Holy element), only racial cards.
Note: The usual mob rotation most Priests suggest is Dokebi to Injustices to Zipper Bears but this depends greatly on your Judex and kill-to-stamina ratio.
Other farming tips:
You'll be safe staying within +/- 20 levels of our target mobs and even then, if you can one hit mobs all the time using Jud, you can go over the 20-level limit. Unlike the guide written above, listed below will be the mobs beside their base levels and not your base level range. Key loots will have their prices on the Exchange listed as well. It's up to you when to deem it okay (track loot and pure zeny output from one day of farming) to shift to the next mob as farming tends to get easier when you're a few levels higher than your target mob.
Note: Once you reach HP status, you'll want to shift to Jud (level 1) and pump its damage via Matk stat increase. Your first step will be one-hitting Dokebis and grinding them until you can one-hit Baphomet Jr and then Zipper Bears. Others suggest Injustices over Baphomet Jr. due to the former's lack of Mdef but I find that Injustices have unsatisfactory loot but the spawn points are mostly concentrated to one spot.
Level 30 - Skeleton
Awakening Potion (~2.5k z)
Level 52 - Soldier Skeleton
Rough Oridecon (~5k z)
Immortal Heart
Level 65 - Bongun
Mercury (~2.5k z)
*Bongun is a temp mob while we build our Judex damage so use TU for now
*Mercury will be our saving grace as it rarely drops below 2.5kz on the exchange (only saw it drop once) and Dokebis are far more superior than Bongun. We need to start pumping our Judex though.
Level 69 - Dokebi (aka our forever mob)
Rough Elu
*The mob we'll be building our Judex for. Start farming Dokebis when you can 2-3 hit them with max buffs and slowly work your way to one-hitting them with only Blessing.
*Dokebis will greatly improve our farming output and I highly suggest to farm them for as long as you can
*At 95, I still farm them from time to time for the Mercury and while I build my Matk for my next target mob, Zipper Bears.
Level 85 - Injustice
*Pure zeny farm only.
*Liked for its one-spot spawn.
Level 86 - Raydric Archer
Awakening Potion
Hand of God
*Some Priests like this mob but I don't see nor have discovered any good farming spots for Raydric Archers as they are scattered all over the map and have low-density spawn rates. (Will appreciate any input for Raydric Archers)
Level 90 - Dark Priest
Blue Gemstone
*In case you prefer TU or need easy Gemstones.
Level 93 - Baphomet Jr.
Rough Oridecon
Necklace of Oblivion
*What I prefer farming due to the Rough Oris (instead of Injustices)
*Its a matter of personal preference and how effective your damage is.
*Differences are: Injustices tend to spawn in one spot and have low M.def so no need to walk around or worry about lowering its Mdef for greater Judex damage output.
Level 113 - Zipper Bear
Christmas Garland
*While not undead nor demon, its low Mdef is what makes veteran Priests suggest this mob.
*Be wary of its stun and Toy Factory's agro mobs. A good farming spot is around the center though Cruiser* tends to spawn around here.
*You'll need a Brute Race card (Goblin Card) to increase your damage against this mob. Also, size correction and elemental cards do not work with Judex (its already a Holy element), only racial cards.
Note: The usual mob rotation most Priests suggest is Dokebi to Injustices to Zipper Bears but this depends greatly on your Judex and kill-to-stamina ratio.
Other farming tips:
- We focus farming on these mobs as we are specifically capable of bringing their HPs down faster than other mobs. Faster kill times = more loots gained = more zeny to use for mats we need from other mobs, rather than farming mobs we aren't really built for.
- Sell items on the Exchange in stacks and not just one whole stack.
- Not completely verified as the Exchange system is mysterious but what I do is not remove items until they expire. Supposedly, a queue system is in place and resetting Exchange items prematurely might make you lose your queue.
- In addition, for people wondering why their items sell immediately after restocking (completely negating the queue system), I'm assuming this is a bug as some stuff I resell get sold immediately too but probably because the queue does not immediately update; or why sometimes items cannot be recovered after expiry because they are still queued. Again, all assumptions.
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Source: SoDamnShallow |
I will list all skills from Acolyte, Priest, and High Priest status in order of when to unlock them and provide descriptions where necessary in case you're questioning why I'm investing in this particular skill at this point in time. Keep in mind that these builds are based on my own journey through Ragnarok Mobile and from what I found to be most helpful as I leveled from base level 1 to currently 90+.
Builds were also based on who I mostly played with, and that is, my guild, Sicario on PH21 and hence the builds I provide here might not be applicable for all or people who prefer solo play. Still, it wouldn't hurt to go through the builds and read the accompanying notes in case you are curious, have plans to shift or just want a general idea of how Priests fare in general.
Tip: I highly advise that you reach Adventurer Rank C as soon as possible to eliminate the need to spend around 1Mz to reset skills, stat, and runes whenever you feel the need to rework your current build. Talk to all the NPCs you encounter, unlock all recipes in your cookbook, kill and take pictures of all mobs, unlock known and hidden landscapes and start on those shiny quests as soon as you can for Adventurer XP.
Or what I refer to as the stage where skill points are uber precious.Acolyte Stage
SkillsHoly Light Strike - 10
Our bread and butter skill that we can use for any mobs with additional damages to Demon and Undead mobs.
Blessing - 10
For better stats and optional party support play.
Increase Agi - 10
Increased movement speed saves lives.
Heal - 10
So we can AFK safely and again, semi-support play.
INT all the way
Our main enemy here would be SP consumption so pop 999-stack food for the SP and use Matk food whenever farming or killing things.
If you have the funds, pop some Int Meal A/B for Matk increase and Warm/Hot Dish for the SP. Latter preferred, former is too expensive.
We will heavily rely on Quest EXP to level up as farming mobs wouldn't be optimal during our first job class. If you have, however, used up all the EXP you can get from quests, head on over to Ghost Ship and farm the Skeletons in that area. Awakening Pots sell for a good price (~2,500z).
This build can semi-support as well thanks to the investments made in Blessing, Heal and INT as the only difference you will have against Full Support builds is that they have Kyrie Eleison. Still, think of it this way, you can solo, FS Priests cannot (well, they can, but it's going to be painful).
Of course, you can always go the way of the melee and instead, invest in Maces Mastery over HLS. Have a good mix of STR/AGI and some LUK and then just reset when you reach Priest or even HP.
Bonus: You can also just ignore this guide all together and pick Mage as your starting class and shift to Cleric when you unlock your third job. Its been done. xD You won't be as trained in supporting but you'll have a lot of starting zeny to spend on equipment.
Priest Stage
SkillsTU - 1
One-hit still works at the minimum level, just make sure you have high INT and then LUK. You only get the level 10 for peace of mind since after all, there is still a percent chance for it to not work at max and when have the RNG gods ever been in
Holy Boost - 5
For the increase in HLS damage and a percent chance to stun mobs. And overall, so we can still hit other mobs not of the undead or demon property.
Increase SP Recovery - 10
SP problems will be a thing of the past!
Gloria - 5
For LUK and boost to TU.
Magnificat - 5
Even more SP boost!
Kyrie Eleison - 10
For survivability.
Resu - 3
Do not max. That extra 1 sec you spend at max level can be better used for other support skills.
Aspersio - 1
For an additional buff in parties.
INT 99
Dex ~30 (get 60 total from manual and bonus Dex for -2s cast time)
LUK the rest
Food and Meal
Same. Matk and SP. Though you can also start using CD redux foods for faster TU cooldowns.
Now we have a percent chance to one-hit Undead mobs! You can either still farm Skeletons until level 50 for the loots and zeny (using HLS, TU is not worth it) or go straight ahead to Payon Cave 1F for Munak XP grinding at around base level 43+ and then Bonguns in Payon Cave 2F (no aggro) when you are able. Be warned that Munak and Bongun have stun effects (hence the KE, does not protect against Stun tho, just the melee damage) but try not to tank 3 mobs at once or you'll be perma-stunned.
With Resu, Glor, a and Magni in your arsenal, you can semi-support too (FS carry Imposito, Sanc and Clearance) and easily apply for ET runs (unlocked at base level 52).
Sanctuary 10 may be an option here as well but you'd have to sacrifice KE and SP and speed. Sanc eats alot of SP and takes awhile to cast though the idea of an AOE damage and heal skill around this level is tempting. Rarely ever used it myself as KE is much faster and keeps health from going down unlike Sanc which takes a while to cast and even then, takes even more time for health to reach max. KE + Heal is the way.
In case you're wondering why no ME: Blue Gemstones and cast time. Generally not optimal for farming as the cost of Blue Gemstones eat up our savings.
Overall, around the Priest stage, the builds we can make will highly depend on what we're doing around this stage. The one provided above helped me solo level, do quests, farm loots, support guild members or basically, be an all-arounder. You can always: (1) opt to just max TU for better chances of one-hit kills but lose the KE survivability and support; (2) stick with HLS and get those buffs for better supporting; (3) or still go the way of the mace, get Imposito and melee boosting skills, and solo your way to HP status.
High Priest Stage
You should be aiming to unlock Ymir's at this stage now for flexible gameplay. Better yet, unlock it as soon as you can!Throughout your main questing - or specifically the free skill and stat reset items from your Reward bag, Skill resets from the level 55 quest in Pyramid 1F (Ayrui NPC) and level 76 in GH Outskirt (Vener NPC), and Stat resets from level 55 quest (same NPC) and level 57 in Payon Town (Gadar NPC) - you should have at least 3 sets of free resets: one needed for HP status, one for Ymir and one for screw-ups. Use your free skill reset (and maybe stat in case you went over 60 total dex) once you advance to High Priest.
Skill Reroll
*marked as changes
Heal - 10
Blessing - 10
Agi Up - 10
*Kyrie Eleison - 10
Magni - 5
Gloria - 5
Resu - 3
*Aspersio - 2
*Clearance - 5
*TU - 10
We keep the TU (now at max level because we want peace of mind xD) in case you're still farming Undead mobs (and you will most definitely do). You can also still keep it at level 1 and use the 9 points left to invest in other skills (you can pick one from the variations below and only one. I highly advise to not scatter them around as a fully maxed buff/skill is better than having all the skills in the world but at minimal levels.)
Imposito Manus - Atk buff for attack-based party mates.
Sanctuary - For AOE heal and Demon/Undead Mdmg. Still dismal CT and heal procs. Fun to use against Succubus and Incubus as long as you have fast CT. Those two mobs and their summons hurt like hell, Succubus more than Incubus. Sanc keeps our health points up while at the same time, damages them.
Increase SP - For more SP. I rarely need to use SP pots unless I keep using Resu and Heal. Farming wise, no problem with just Magni buff and High Priest passive SP skills.
Jud - 1
Our best attack skill (until ME card is released)
Meditatio - 10
For increased Heal and better SP.
Safety Wall - 10
Better solo and party survivability (required during anything to do with MVPS and Minibosses).
Angelus - 10
Tanks like it. Get Assump first before maxing Angelus.
Assumptio - 5
For Defense and Magic Defense.
Lex Divina - 3
Useful when it hits, ie. Night of Destruction. Does not work on bosses.
Lex Aeterna - 1
For double damage after the skill is cast.
INT max
LUK rest
Food and Meal
Matk and/or Cast Delay redux depending on what you need or which skill you're using: CD for TU and Support roles, and Matk for Jud.
We'll be replacing HLS + Booster with Jud, freeing up 15 points we can use for other skills. Jud will now be our constant companion throughout our journey. Also, we keep it at level 1 for the faster cast times and to possibly free up the points we invested in DEX and instead, after maxing INT, we put the rest of our stats in LUK. (You can still keep your DEX at 60 total if you find buff CTs to be too long)
No Suffra because it's more of a self-buff now since only Mages benefit from it and well, Mages kinda build themselves to reduce CT. It also takes forever to cast and only stays up for a while (even shorter at higher levels).
And again, please start working on unlocking your Ymir.
Or skies the limit.Well, not really. But still, free resets!
To do this, first, unlock your Ymir book from the Adventurer Skill NPC, use/buy reset stats and skills, reset your runes, unequip all your gears and save your blank slate in slot 1. There you go, a free reset you can load whenever you feel like it. (But only accessible in towns and guild map) I highly advise that you either unlock one more save slot or buy a Premium for a free save slot and use both to save your Farming and Party builds.
Tip: Don't forget to equip the necessary gears for each build and placing skills in your skill bars and auto skill bars just so you don't have to re-equip and re-slot all the time. (And because lazy.)
Farming Build
*all maxed unless otherwise stated.Acolyte
Increase SP Recovery
15 free SP to use however you like :) (by this time I will assume that you understand your Priest fully and know where you need to invest points in during farming times)
High Priest
*Jud - 1
Magic Prayer
Safety Wall
*Lex Divina - 3
Lex Aeterna
5 free SP
Job Breakthrough
Blessing 15
Kyrie Eleison 20
15 Free SP
INT maxed
LUK rest
Food and Meal
Matk for Jud or even Movement Speed if you're one-hitting already and CD redux for TU.
First goal here is to keep attacking and killing mobs 100% of the time and hence the need to remove Magni and instead invest in all SP skills. If you can also one-hit mobs without using Gloria, please do so. People say that combat time counts off 12 secs every tick and not just 1s so in those precious 12 secs lost, you should have killed as much mobs as you can.
Second goal is to make sure that Jud can one-hit mobs, starting with Dokebis in Payon Cave 2F and 3F. (3F preferred once you can tank the agro mobs)You can start farming them as early as three hits and then work your way to one-hitting them, with the ultimate goal of not using any Matk food, meal, nor Gloria. Your two cats, a pet and your damage should suffice. Better yet, use only your own damage. Pop some movement speed foods and you're good to go. The next mobs you'll be targetting to one-hit are Injustices (GH Culvert) and then Zipper Bears (TF 1F).
Party Build
*all maxed unless otherwise stated.Acolyte
Agi Up
Kyrie Eleison
*Resu - 3
Imposito Manus
High Priest
*Lex Divina - 3
Lex Aeterna
Safety Wall
1 Free SP (Either Ruwach or Suffra)
Job Breakthrough
Blessing 15
Kyrie Eleison 20
Heal 20
5 free SP
INT maxed
VIT rest
Food and Meal
CD redux preferred as well as VIT meals, but not required as long as you know your cooldowns and avoid getting hit all the time.
During support times, you will need to raise your INT as high as it can go for Heal, followed by VIT to maximize survivability. Keep yourself within buff range of all party members as much as possible while paying attention to damage circles and generally avoiding damage at all costs.
Keep track of your buff times and be wary of casting buffs with long CT or CD, like Magni or Gloria, since you should be ready at any time to dish out Heals and Resus. Also, keep track of your own SP since a Priest with no mana is as good as a party wipe-out.
Lastly, carry at least 300 Blue Gemstones on you at all times because you never know just how much you need. (I sometimes carry a full stack just so people don't lash out at me when I can't Resu anymore)
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Sure. |
Why gun for a 5M piece when at 1M you could've upped your damage, increased survivability or unlocked higher heal amounts. A good trick I learned is to save but at the same time, buy, craft, or unlock a piece from any set I needed just so zeny didn't remain stagnant and potential increases wasted. Learn when to save and when to buy stuff.
Note: Costumes and gacha items are not included as those are hard to come by and involve RNG. Gears posted below are, at the very list, acquirable.
Farming Equipment
Holy Stick to Nemesis - Perfectly suited for Jud as it uses Luk to add damage alongside CT reductions and +%Matk.Offhand
Magic Bible to Sacrifice Book - For Ignore %Mdef.Shield of Naga - For +%Matk.
*use either depending on the mob, Sacrifice for high mdef mob and Naga other mobs.
Mage Coat - Adds %Matk. Keep it at Tier III as upgrading to next form makes it unavailable for Priests.Garment
Staunch Cape to Staunch Mana Manteau - Works as a set with Staunch Shoes for the CT reduction but since we're still using Jud and not ME, you get it for the Neutral Damage reduction (or placeholder).Cotton Shirt to Undershirt - For LUK.
Shoe [1] - Cheapest slotted shoes you can get. You need the slot for a Cookie Card which boosts Jud damage.Crystal Pumps [1] - Best in slot with slot. ;)
2x Orlean's Gloves (OG) - For +%Matk. Now, this depends on whether or not you have a good base Matk to begin with. You might need to experiment with Eye of Dullahan (EOD) or focus first on building your Matk before getting an OG. (I currently use 1 OG and 1 EOD due to low Matk and low funds.)Headgears
As for Headgears, you can easily sort gears based on specific stats you're looking for and check which ones you can get at the moment. Listed below are late game/uber expensive head gears that you should aim for.Upper Headgear
Middle Headgear
Elven Ears
Lower Headgear
Angry Snarl
Devil Wing
Epic Spirit Death Convoy
Cookie - Increase Jud Damage.Agav - %Matk increase.
Sealed Apoc - Ignore %Mdef.
Marduk - 100% Silence Resistance
Goblin - Increased damage against Brute race.
Bathory - Holy Dmg +1%.
Party Equipment
Healing Staff to Croce Staff - Heal and Sanc increase. At Tier IV with a Tier IV Holy Robe, it adds even more to heals.Offhand
Round Buckler to Royal Silver Shield - For Def.Orlean's Server - For Mdef.
Scapulare to Holy Robe - For set effect with Croce at both Tier IV.Garment
Staunch Cape to Staunch Mana Manteau - CD reduction and survivability.Shoes
Staunch Shoes - Set effect with Staunch Mana Manteau.Crystal Pumps [1] - Only if slotted.
Eye of Dullahan - INT stat increase.Headgears
You will want to focus on INT gears. Heal only increases if the total of your base level plus INT is divisible by 10.Upper Headgear
Little Tree Hat
Crown [1]
Fox Ears [1]
Middle Headgear
Elven Ears
Dragon Scale Stripe
Lower Headgear
Chocolate Donut
Gold Christmas Bell
Deviruchi Tail
Sealed White Lady - Increase in healing amounts.Marduk - Silence resistance.
Wild Rose * - INT.
Bathory Card - Holy Damage = Heal upgrade.
Equipment Tips
Refining Tips: Refine equipment during their base forms before upgrading to the next form. Upgrading to the next form will deduct 2 refine levels, ie. from +10 to +8. Refining during base forms is recommended due to the fact that base forms are cheaper to refine and you will at least start on +8 on the next form rather than starting from scratch.Slotting Tips: When you upgrade to the next form, default slots will be used so any added slots during the base form will be removed. It is generally a better idea to add a slot when your gear is at its final form though due to the high cost of such an undertaking, some people, like me, slot on the base form as a temporary solution, or even other cheap gears, ie. Shoes to Shoes [1].
Enchanting Tips: Enchantments stay no matter the form so it is safe to enchant whenever and try to get that elusive 4th enchant that works for your build.
Matk Tips: To further increase Matk, craft, unlock, and deposit any and all cards and headgears that increase INT or Matk. Start from the cheapest you can afford and slowly work your way up. Unlocking cards can either be from looting, loot boxes, or crafting through King Poring; ie. buying the card does not unlock it, same goes for headgears.
Overall Tip: Find a good balance with all the options we have to increase our damage and support output. Focusing on only one area will leave the others at dismal stages and your zeny just sitting there.
You can only unlock the Aesir Monument and get the Gold Medals needed to unlock certain Runes via the guild system. If you haven't already, join one now and start investing in Gold Medals (later on, 81 Peak Shards too). Joining a guild not only gives you constant people to party with but unlocks end game mechanics such as the aforementioned Aesir Monument and Job Breakthroughs, as well as Headgear refining and Valkyrie Blessings.Listed below are the runes needed for the two builds we've been focusing on. Of course, not all runes are highlighted as I rarely use the buffs these runes boost, ie. Suffragium and Lex Divina, nor do I need them at the moment. Also, unlocking needed runes tend to go through other runes not listed below. If you have the extra runes or you're currently saving for runes down the road, you could temporarily invest them in runes that work alongside your build for now and just reset when you've finally saved enough.
Farming Runes
- All Matk increases.
- Holy Attack increases. (~7% total)
- (Optional) Kyrie Eleison runes for movement speed bonus and increased Def.
- (Optional) Warp Portal rune for greater mobility.
Party Runes
- All Lasting Heal and Lasting Heal - Empower runes.
- Kyrie Eleison runes.
- All Heal runes.
- All Holy Attack runes as this increases Heal amount as well.
- (Situational) Highly Effective Clearance rune. In case your party faces mobs like Maya, Phreeoni, Clock or Kobold Leader. Great against bosses that have Reflect Damage.
- (Mobility) Warp Portal rune.
- (Left Over) Defense runes.
- (Left Over) Imposito Manus runes. 24 GMs for around ~16 ATK increase is too expensive. Put runes in Impo if you have free ones or for temp purposes.
Special Runes List
- Assume all runes are cumulative unless otherwise stated.
- Runes are categorized according to when they unlock in your Aesir Monument but are not necessarily limited to that category as powerful versions of these might exist in the next Monument Stage.
- Double check the runes when you unlock them as well as I do not have all of them unlocked and descriptions might differ once unlocked.
- Take the time to go through your Aesir Monument just to get a general idea of where Runes are. You'll soon know them like the back of your hand when you need to deactivate/activate/reactive Runes depending on the situation.
Double Healing (new skill)Cast a buff on yourself that lets your Heal skill target another ally with the lowest HP, aside from your current target. Heal will hit for 10% its normal amount at level 1.
Faith Pray (new skill)
Skill level +1. Grants an ally immunity (or prevents it from taking a killing blow) for 5 seconds. Each level of Faith Pray increases the duration by +1 second. Requires a Blue Gemstone.
Repentance (new skill)
Deals (Atk * 150%) Holy Magic Damage to the target and gives it a 6 sec. repentance debuff during which the caster deals +30% damage to it with auto attacks. Each Repentance rune unlocked increases damage by 150% and its duration by +2 sec.
Advanced Def
Defense +3%.
Auto Luck
Auto attacks have a 5% chance to trigger Gloria. Its level depends on Gloria skill points invested.
Double Healing - Delay
Increases Double Healing buff by 3 seconds and its recovery by +3%.
Faith Pray - Cure
While in Faith Pray, Priest takes -5% damage.
Heal - Empower
Increase Heal by a percent amount. There's a total of +10% (or 5 runes) in Priest + High Priest Runes.
Holy Booster - Stun
Increase Stun chance by 20% but increases cooldown of Holy Light by 2 seconds.
Holy Damage
Increase Holy Atk by a percent amount. There's a total of +7% (or 5 runes) in Priest + High Priest Runes.
Ignore Def
Ignore Def +1%.
Imposito Manus - Empower
Imposito Manus provides + (5% * Impo Atk bonus).
Kyrie Eleison - Speeding Up
KE now increases movement speed by 60% for 3 seconds. It also blocks an additional 1500 pts of physical damage.
Lasting Healing
Heal skill applies Lasting Healing buff which restores 10% of Heal amount every 3 seconds for 7 seconds.
Lasting Healing - Empower
Healing done by Lasting Heal is increased by +5%.
Magnificat - Mastery
Cast Delay of Magnificat -10%.
Magnus Exorcimus - Empower
+30% damage to Magnus Exorcimus.
Magnus Exorcimus - Mastery
ME Skill delay -0.2 seconds. Deals 7% skill damage to all races.
Repentance - Utility
Units with Repentance debuff suffer 20% Magic Damage every 2 seconds.
SP Auto Attack
Converts 7% of your Matk to Atk, increases auto attack by 50.
Speedy Blazing
Halves duration of Sanctuary but increases healing amount by +15% per tick.
Suffragium - Delay
Increase the duration of Suffra by +2 seconds.
STR Auto Attack
Auto attack bonus from STR increases by 5%, increases auto attack by 50.
The Maces Mastery - Empower
Maces Mastery provides +60% Atk.
Turn Undead - Empower
Increase TU damage against Devil mobs by +100%.
Warp Portal
Enter /memo in chat to save a location. You and your party can now easily teleport to the saved location. Not usable in instance maps. Uses 1 Blue Gemstone.
High Priest
Group Resurrection (new skill)Group Resurrection skill level +1. Revives all dead allies in its range, granting them 30% HP. Uses 2 Blue Gemstones. Grants 50% HP at level 2.
Two-way Teleport (new skill)
Place two portals that connect to each other. Each portal lasts 100 seconds and has 5000 HP. Can be attacked by AOE skills. Each level of Two-way Teleport increases duration by +100 and HP by +5000. Uses 1 Blue Gemstone.
Advanced M.Def
Magic Defense +3%
Auto Imposito
Auto attacks have a 3% chance to cast Imposito Manus on self. Will use the highest level of Imposito Manus unlocked.
Decrease Agility - Spread
Decrease Agility now splashes onto 3 additional targets nearby.
Highly Effective Clearance
Expels 1 random buff from an enemy.
Lex Divina - Control
Targets attacked by Lex Divina lose 2% Max SP.
Sacrifice Ode
Changes Suffragium to reduce the cooldown of all skills by -8% and last (Suffragium skill level * 10) seconds.
Suffragium - Mastery
Cast Delay of Suffra -5%.
Word Style
Change Lex Divina's effect to increase Cast Time of all target's skills. For each level of Word Style, CT +100%, Fixed CT +0.5 sec. This effect lasts 10 seconds. Note that Lex Divina's skill level does not affect Word Style.
Tips: Gold Medals are expensive but Runes are powerful. While saving up for a Rune, place your current GMs in temp Runes just so they aren't wasted.
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Source: meesh |
If you've been playing your Priest class since day one, you'd be more likely inclined to know how to play your Priest well enough during solo and party play. You should also know by now how long your buffs last, when to recast them, how to allocate skills for your auto bar, and how to keep yourself and a party alive long enough to clear content.
But just in case a few of the game's mechanics and strategies are still confusing, here's a few suggestions on how to survive and successfully complete most, if not all, game content (as the same rules of support always apply wherever and whenever with only a few alterations here and there).
Overall, a Priest must always be aware of his surroundings and adjust tactics depending on the mobs you're facing or the party composition you've ended up with or the current situation. You should:
- Pay attention to buff icons.
- Track party member's health and mana.
- Track your own health and mana
- Stay as far away as possible from the frontlines.
- Keep the tank alive.
- Keep DPS class damage up.
- Protect Wizards.
- Have Resurrection prepared and ready to go whenever.
- Know when to buff and when to not buff.
- Check for Undead mobs and when to cast Aspersio.
- Never auto-support in hard fights.
- Keep a clear head.
- Stay sane.
- Lastly, always communicate with everyone in the party.
Always be prepared with a stack of Blue Gemstones and Panaceas for emergencies as well as blue pots if your SP can't keep up (happens more often than I would like especially during unlimited Resu and Heal casting in ET).
It bears repeating: do NOT be lazy and rely on auto, we're better than that.
Endless Tower
During the early levels of your career, especially if normal mobs still appear in each floor of ET, good buff rotations would be Blessing, Magni, Gloria, and Imposito. Place skills like Kyrie, Resu, and Clearance in your auto bar but still be ready to manually cast them when needed. Do not go to the frontlines and avoid mob contact as much as possible.
Buffs with long global cooldowns, or any buffing for that matter, must only be done outside of combat as buffing within combat is not what a good Priest does unless you're entirely sure its safe to do so. Just don't.
A good rule of thumb is to buff outside of combat and then only if the need arises do you only recast ones with short cooldowns during combat. Your top priority is to keep the party alive and be ready to dish out a Resu, Kyrie, or Heal at a moment's notice.
A good rule of thumb is to buff outside of combat and then only if the need arises do you only recast ones with short cooldowns during combat. Your top priority is to keep the party alive and be ready to dish out a Resu, Kyrie, or Heal at a moment's notice.
- For Aspersio, you can place this in your auto skills if you're up against Undead or Demon minis/MVPs but only during this time. Even then, it's much safer to just manually cast them in between the chaos of keeping a party alive and avoiding damage, especially during boss fights. Aspersio also cancels out other elemental buffs that your party members might be using so only use this skill when necessary, ie. when they call for it. Communication is key.
- On Clearance, I highly advise that you remind your party to carry Panaceas with them and only rely on your Clearance when they've been stunned, put to sleep, or frozen as these are the only times when they can't use a Panacea. Do not let them rely on you for simple debuffs like Silence since after all, Clearance randomizes the debuffs it removes and it may take a while for the right debuff removal to hit, wasting precious healing or resu moments. While it may be a good idea to put Clearance on auto as well, I find that my Priest prioritizes Clearance over Resu or Healing so I tend to just manually cast it.
Always use the sniping strategy during hard boss levels wherein ranged characters stay at the bottom and the tank or melee lures bosses towards the torch at the top (near the area where we warp into the boss stage). Remember to turn off pet attacks to avoid luring the boss.
At higher floors, try not to stick to the wall and leave a gap between you and the corner wall to avoid getting hit by AOE spells, better yet, leave a gap in between you, the wall and other ranged characters just so you aren't in any line of fire and AOE spells have a harder time reaching you.
At higher floors, try not to stick to the wall and leave a gap between you and the corner wall to avoid getting hit by AOE spells, better yet, leave a gap in between you, the wall and other ranged characters just so you aren't in any line of fire and AOE spells have a harder time reaching you.
- At levels 70, 80 and 90, only Kyrie, Resu and (maybe) Heal should be in your auto bar and nothing else. If your Priest starts to continually cast Heal, manually insert a Kyrie in there from time to time so your Heals don't get wasted. It would be best to have Safety Wall maxed around this point as well to give yourself time to breathe and maybe recast a few buffs in between before chaos ensues again.
On my own Priest, I only auto the three skills mentioned above on ET 60F+ and manually cast everything else. In an ideal world, Resu is my top priority followed by 3x Safety walls for the melees, Kyrie, Heal, Blessing, Assump, Impo, Magni, other buffs and lastly, Clearance.
During actual boss levels, however, once the MVP starts dishing out damages, I only ever have a chance to cast Resu, Kyrie, Safety Walls, sometimes Heal, and nothing else since people just immediately die after I cast a buff so what's the point. =)) And if I'm not quick enough, losing even one second of Resu time means the melees at the top will stay dead longer so the boss will most likely head down and it's a party-wipeand it's my fault again. The only time I can breathe and maybe squeeze in an Assump or Blessing is when the boss loses agro on the tank/melee and travels farther up before getting lured by the tank/melee again.
As for getting pass 80F and 90F, avoid bosses with Reflect, like Kobold Leader, and AOE Matks like Dark Lord and Baphomet. Channel warp and target Undead or Demon ones (because Aspersio) like Moonlight, Owl Baron and Doppelganger. ET floors on all channels now have the same bosses for each number from 0 - 9, ie. 1, 11, 21... will have the same MVPs during boss stages.
On ET runs still filled with mobs: The general rule is to kill all adds first before finally focusing on the MVP/Mini.
Ask your party to kindly not pull agro on the wholedamned map and instead focus on mobs one-by-one and then maybe some more once you and your party understand the limitations of their health and your healing.
Remember that your Resurrections should only be cast when a single mob was too powerful or a Mini used areally, really, really x100 heavy attack and not because someone went and agro'd every single mob in the whole universe or decided they couldn't be bothered to move a few cells away from an AOE attack.
On Resurrection: Try not to tick "Stay Alert" but pay attention to your Priest's positioning. I do this since sometimes, tanks/melee die trying to lure back the MVP and cannot be reached from the sniping position. With "Stay Alert" turned off, you can tap Resurrection on your skill bar and your Priest will move within buff range and resurrect a dead toon with the least amount of distance needed rather than yourself manually directing your toon closer. It's either you overshoot and be too close or have to readjust your position a million times before your Resu hits. Immediately return to sniping position once the Resu hits.
In addition, only do this for toons that die beside the stairs or near the southeast area of the map. If your Priest has to move more than a half map from your sniping position or worse, ascend to the second level, abort mission and hope to the gods that you're safe from the MVP's wrath. Any party member that mistakingly dies in the middle of the map are not to be resurrected. You will die. Party members in this position should just warp back in rather than calling for a Resurrection.
Once your Priests tries to move all the time from its sniping position, turn "Stay Alert" on again and wait for whoever is causing your Priest to go crazy to handle their situation before turning it off. If for some unfortunate reason you end up with a party that is not ideal, ie. dies a million times away from range, don't bother turning "Stay Alert" off. Just ask people to warp back in or maybe resu them one time and let them know that they should try to stay within buff range at all timesor else.
On Safety Walls: Before starting boss floors, recast all buffs, zoom out, find your position, and place three safety walls around the torch at the top (or in an "L" position). Avoid stacking them on one cell as all three walls will be hit at the same time. Keep these three walls up at all times or as much as you can for as long as the MVP is alive.
On Kyrie Eleison vs. Heal: If you know your heal is less than an MVP's continuous damage, make Kyrie your preferred support skill and cast it everytime the tank's HP starts to dwindle before heal-locking again. Try to use KE and SW together to keep the HP bar from going down with your heals as a secondary safety mechanism.
*Heal-locking is when your Priests enters "frenzy mode" and casts Heal for eternity. This happens usually when the damage outweighs the heal. You should be aiming to fill the tank's HP and not keeping it barely alive. KE and SW keep damage to a minimum while you refill HP bars.
On Blessing and Assump: If you can squeeze this in, try to keep Blessing and Assump up as well. Former for the stats and latter for the defense.
On Crowd Control: It might be a good idea to add another skill to your rotation, Stone Curse (using a Joker Card) to help your Wiz maintain crowd control. Use it when you notice your support buffs can't keep up with the damage as most likely, the adds or summons are attacking again.
On Communication: Try to plan ahead with your teammates before jumping into battle. Ask them to wait for your signal as you go through your buffing rotation so that everyone gets buffed and talk about which MVP to target first. This is very important for 80F and 90F since both MVPs will attack at the same time and we don't want the party dealing damage to both, focus on one MVP before moving onto the next.
Also, you need to know which MVP your party is targetting first so that you can adjust your position and buff rotation accordingly, ie. add Aspersio if you're targetting an Undead or Demon MVP, move farther back if the MVP has AOE damage, or prepare Clearance and etc. if the MVP is known for debuffs.
During actual boss levels, however, once the MVP starts dishing out damages, I only ever have a chance to cast Resu, Kyrie, Safety Walls, sometimes Heal, and nothing else since people just immediately die after I cast a buff so what's the point. =)) And if I'm not quick enough, losing even one second of Resu time means the melees at the top will stay dead longer so the boss will most likely head down and it's a party-wipe
As for getting pass 80F and 90F, avoid bosses with Reflect, like Kobold Leader, and AOE Matks like Dark Lord and Baphomet. Channel warp and target Undead or Demon ones (because Aspersio) like Moonlight, Owl Baron and Doppelganger. ET floors on all channels now have the same bosses for each number from 0 - 9, ie. 1, 11, 21... will have the same MVPs during boss stages.
On ET runs still filled with mobs: The general rule is to kill all adds first before finally focusing on the MVP/Mini.
Ask your party to kindly not pull agro on the whole
Remember that your Resurrections should only be cast when a single mob was too powerful or a Mini used a
On Resurrection: Try not to tick "Stay Alert" but pay attention to your Priest's positioning. I do this since sometimes, tanks/melee die trying to lure back the MVP and cannot be reached from the sniping position. With "Stay Alert" turned off, you can tap Resurrection on your skill bar and your Priest will move within buff range and resurrect a dead toon with the least amount of distance needed rather than yourself manually directing your toon closer. It's either you overshoot and be too close or have to readjust your position a million times before your Resu hits. Immediately return to sniping position once the Resu hits.
In addition, only do this for toons that die beside the stairs or near the southeast area of the map. If your Priest has to move more than a half map from your sniping position or worse, ascend to the second level, abort mission and hope to the gods that you're safe from the MVP's wrath. Any party member that mistakingly dies in the middle of the map are not to be resurrected. You will die. Party members in this position should just warp back in rather than calling for a Resurrection.
Once your Priests tries to move all the time from its sniping position, turn "Stay Alert" on again and wait for whoever is causing your Priest to go crazy to handle their situation before turning it off. If for some unfortunate reason you end up with a party that is not ideal, ie. dies a million times away from range, don't bother turning "Stay Alert" off. Just ask people to warp back in or maybe resu them one time and let them know that they should try to stay within buff range at all times
On Safety Walls: Before starting boss floors, recast all buffs, zoom out, find your position, and place three safety walls around the torch at the top (or in an "L" position). Avoid stacking them on one cell as all three walls will be hit at the same time. Keep these three walls up at all times or as much as you can for as long as the MVP is alive.
On Kyrie Eleison vs. Heal: If you know your heal is less than an MVP's continuous damage, make Kyrie your preferred support skill and cast it everytime the tank's HP starts to dwindle before heal-locking again. Try to use KE and SW together to keep the HP bar from going down with your heals as a secondary safety mechanism.
*Heal-locking is when your Priests enters "frenzy mode" and casts Heal for eternity. This happens usually when the damage outweighs the heal. You should be aiming to fill the tank's HP and not keeping it barely alive. KE and SW keep damage to a minimum while you refill HP bars.
On Blessing and Assump: If you can squeeze this in, try to keep Blessing and Assump up as well. Former for the stats and latter for the defense.
On Crowd Control: It might be a good idea to add another skill to your rotation, Stone Curse (using a Joker Card) to help your Wiz maintain crowd control. Use it when you notice your support buffs can't keep up with the damage as most likely, the adds or summons are attacking again.
On Communication: Try to plan ahead with your teammates before jumping into battle. Ask them to wait for your signal as you go through your buffing rotation so that everyone gets buffed and talk about which MVP to target first. This is very important for 80F and 90F since both MVPs will attack at the same time and we don't want the party dealing damage to both, focus on one MVP before moving onto the next.
Also, you need to know which MVP your party is targetting first so that you can adjust your position and buff rotation accordingly, ie. add Aspersio if you're targetting an Undead or Demon MVP, move farther back if the MVP has AOE damage, or prepare Clearance and etc. if the MVP is known for debuffs.
Boss Hunt
One way of earning fast zeny in the game is to do Boss Hunts. To do so, however, would definitely require a good party composition as you'll be battling other parties with the same goals as your own: to get rare drops in exchange for zeny.
- The same rules of ET playstyle apply though of course, bosses will be in your face (not on the second level at a safe distance) so make sure you keep a Safety Wall on yourself at all times in case the boss loses interest in the tank.
- Having the warp portal skill is an advantage as it immediately transports yourself, or the party, back to whichever location you "/memo"-ed if for some unfortunate reason you, or your party, gets wiped, ie. use "/memo" after dying before reviving in town.
- Highly Effective Clearance is needed for bosses with Reflect Damage like Phreeoni, Maya and Kobold Leader.
- Lex Aeterna works wonders too but only if your party can take the damage as Lex Aeterna has a long cooldown.
- Having Light Shield is useful against Detarderous.
Valhalla Ruins
A good practice place to fight against MVPs, test your group's survivability and earn rare loots without the worry of having other parties stealing it from you. The only downside is that it requires Silver Medals which aren't that important during early levels but once you start to hit Job Breakthrough, you'll be needing Silver Medals to buy Peak Shards (81 total). One piece of Peak Shard costs 20 Silver Medals and you can only get a max of 100 Silver Medals per week so budget wisely.
- VR is where you take a bunch of flywings with you and immediately flywing away when a boss locks on you. You're welcome. xD
- For VR 40, be wary of Strouf's AOE attacks and use a Marduk card to counter Deviling's Silence. Of course, Deviling will resort to stunning if it can't silence you.
- For VR 60, use Highly Effective Clearance on Maya and Phreeoni to cancel their Reflect Damage. Kill Gryphon within 1 minute and 30 seconds or it will regen to full HP. Avoid using auto/normal attacks on Maya and Gryphon as this triggers their self-heal. Always use skills.
- I never got to do VR 80 as I was already saving up for Peak Shards around this level (and still don't have enough =)) ).
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Nani~? |
Or things that did not fit anywhere else:
- Ask everyone in a party to not stand on you, beside you, or uncomfortably near you whenever doing group content. Always maintain a good distance between yourself and others because
we hate peopleattacks/AOEs/splashes will hit you. - On ET, if someone who should be downstairs mistakingly walks to the stairs or even ascends it and ends up pulling agro, ask that person to keep on going up and not return to position or worse, hide behind you. You are not a shield
nor some MVP repellant that will correct their mistake. - Remind people to always wait for your buff rotation before they lunge into battle because sometimes, they forget that we also have other support skills aside from Resu and Heal.
- Always speak up whenever you get hit by a Stun, Sleep, Frozen or Stone Curse debuff. Your party should automatically know that their support is down and should cool the agro, sustain their health and if possible, protect you while the debuff counts off.
- Patience, communication, and teamwork is always key.
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And they finally learned to avoid AOE... buffs. I can't. |
To conclude, the Priest class is a diverse, flexible and fun class to play once you get the hang of things and understand your role in the situations you get yourself into. People will rely on your support as you, yourself, rely on them. Ragnarok M: Eternal Love, at its core, is still an MMORPG where players work alongside to beat the game.
Of course, it doesn't hurt that we also know how to support our own selves during solo times and be able to dish out decent damage that rival other classes. Maybe not so much during the early levels but through a slow and steady playthrough, we'll eventually get to one-hit things 'cause we own them Undead and Demons, ha.
I sincerely hope to have shed some light and helped you along your Priest journey or better yet, enticed you to try out the class and fill the game with more supports. :D
Thank you for taking the time to read the guide and as always, ROK on!
This guide is a product of my current game and Priest knowledge and as future content unlocks, so will this guide be improved upon and updated. If you find any confusing, wrong or poorly worded parts, please don't hesitate to point them out below or send me a PM! :)
Long, but very informative guide. 11/10 rate.
ReplyDeleteKudos to the author. Good job. :)
Very long but worth the time if your serious with your character/job as a support priest.
ReplyDeletei was tasked to create a priest as my 2nd character. assasin is my main. this guide is like a treasure of info and made me more interested to take on the job. very very helpful :)
ReplyDeleteEasy to follow. Great guide man!
ReplyDeleteThank you! Head's up though. This was written a few months ago and there's been a couple of updates to the game. I'm not so sure if the builds I did are still the norm. xD Follow it with a pinch of salt.
Deletei only read the memes. thx
ReplyDeletethanks? haha
Delete2020.. and this blogpost is still gold
ReplyDeleteOh wow. Thanks! <3
DeleteTy..this really help..been using this since start
ReplyDeleteTyvm..This sure help alot..
ReplyDeleteHehe. I think you submitted twice because you thought it didn't send? :)
DeleteI moderate the comments since there's been a bit of spam over the months of inactivity from me. xD
But thank you! Goodluck on your priest journey!!
This guide is awesome! Congratulations! :D
ReplyDeleteWaiting for the AB and Saint update, haha.
Thank you!
DeleteYou'll be waiting for a long while... I haven't played the game in years now. XD
they just updated to 4th Job now .
Deletei just came back from a year long hiatus.. this quarantine made me comeback in the game.. having a lv99 HP this detailed tips helped me.. thank u.. im struggling with the new updates though.. i cant understand most of the updates now
ReplyDeleteHeya, I'm glad the guide still helps. Sry tho but I don't think I'll be returning anytime soon... I'm sure you'll figure it out once you really immerse yourself in the game. Of course, there are fb grps and reddit pages for Ragnarok M that should have some useful stuff? :)
Delete2024.. and this blogpost is still gold
ReplyDeletep/s: using this for ROMC
No way is this still relevant :O